Mooni Van Tichel

Mooni Van Tichel has a background in hip hop, house, and breaking. In 2021, she earned a master's degree in contemporary dance from P.A.R.T.S. Her graduation solo, Deep Nyx, was presented at Festival Cement, Amsterdam Fringe Festival, and Moving Futures Festival. In 2022, she created a solo for Ne Mosquito Pas and short performances for the DANSAND! festival in Oostende, Deweer Gallery in Zwevegem, and S.M.A.K. in Ghent. Additionally, she is a member of the collective leprojetgeo, which organizes activities with residents of the Bellevue nursing home in Forest focusing on physical connection, touch, and dance. She has worked as a performer with Nathan Ooms, Stanley Ollivier, Olivier Dubois, and Kris Verdonck, and as an outside eye and choreographic assistant with Antoine Dupuy Larbre and Marthe Koning. Since 2023, Mooni Van Tichel is a house artist at workspacebrussels within a three-year development program.



© Mariana Machado