At the Sight of Love

Elioa Steffen

At the Sight of Love is a workshop-gathering exploring queer notions of spectatorship. Consisting of a workshop, a dinner, a performance and an after-talk, At the Sight of Love is open to people who aspire to affiliate themselves with queer practices and communities. (see registration below)

In this workshop we will investigate the role of the audience towards a theatre of belief, desire, rage and, yes even, hope. We will explore listening to theatre as a roll call of kinship for the present and the absent and practice the queer art of infection, allowing performance to enter our orifices and mucus membranes. This workshop will delve into what it means to see performance with our whole hearts, to let down the cynic’s measuring tape while holding up our wildest ambitions for the theatre. 

At the Sight of Love will start with a workshop in which participants are led into exploration of different ways of experiencing, processing, and understanding performance. Starting from participant’s values and dreams for what performance could mean and do, we will interrogate how audiences can view art towards our aspirations. Starting from the assumption that “audience” is not a passive role, we will investigate how we want to approach and what we expect from performance. How do we bring conscious eyes, ears, minds to seeing theatre?

Following the workshop, we will have dinner together to get to know each other and share in a more casual atmosphere our interest in performance. Then we will all go to a performance of the Love at First Sight festival:

Saturday 7th of December Coerced & Freely Given by Merel Severs
Friday 13th of  December Onkruid by Wildgroei Coven 

After the performance, we will gather to discuss and integrate our experiences of the workshop and performance. The point is not to see queer work but to see work queerly.

The workshop will take place twice during the festival on two different dates. Register for the date of your preference.

workshop 1: Saturday 07th of December - wp Zimmer & Toneelhuis/ Kambala
workshop 2: Friday 13th of December - wp Zimmer  & Arenberg

Free, registration required. Includes ticket to performance & dinner
Register here (for 1 workshop)

Participants: max 15 per workshop

Dates & tickets

© Monsters School