Helder Onkelinx

STEEG//STONER is a concert performance about how what has been is sometimes not yet over. The shadow that follows you, the monster under your bed, the child in the well...

Every night, a fog creeps out of the woods, across the fields and into the moonlight. It dances with the light of the moon on its body, flirts with it. It asks the moon: “Please oh, please, won’t you take my hand?” The fog creeps on, over the hill, surrounds a village, invades the streets, swallows up the houses. Once it has become the hill, it laments: “Why oh, why oh, why won’t you take my dance?”

A village lies in the fog, and it is in that village that this story takes place. When night falls, people lock their doors. They live behind closed curtains and shutters. They turn their eyes away from the moon, bar the fog from their dreams, snuff the candles and say: “You know what to do when the baby cries?”

Well, we stick our fingers in the ground
Heave and turn the world around
Smoke is blacking out the sun
At night I pray and clean my gun
The cracked bell rings and the ghost bird sings
And the gods go begging here
So just open fire when you hit the shore
All is fair in love and war
Hoist that rag!

Tom A. Waits

Spoken in English

Music: Wodan Onkelinx, Frederik Karcher, Lukas Jouck, Helder Onkelinx - Text and performance: Helder Onkelinx - Coaching: Jonas Vermeulen - Poster: Mie Berens - Visuals: Daria Miasoedova - Trailer: Elko Van Raemdonck

Dates & tickets