
Valentina Toth

Valentina’s debut show Wildbloei sings the praises of hysterical women. In this tragicomic, musical and over-the-top, one-woman show she explores the boundaries of society’s clichéd image of the female species.

In a show that is a mélange of opera, theatre, musical, cabaret, classical music and comedy, Valentina Tóth brings to the stage a variety of hysterical women, ranging from a murderous Medea, K3, the Queen of the Night, through the Dutch childcare benefits scandal and body positivity, until we eventually come to Valentina herself.  

Drawing on her not inconsiderable musicality, quick switches and big characters, in Wildbloei she holds her audience at gunpoint and hopefully generates a little sympathy. Or alienation. Either way is fine. 

The show was awarded five stars by the Dutch newspapers De Volkskrant, NRC and Trouw. De Volkskrant described Wildbloei as “a unique performance by the mega-talented Valentina Tóth”, while the NRC called Wildbloei “a stunning debut” and Trouw wrote this: “this woman is out to make an impression, and she does”. Theaterkrant called Valentina a “superwoman” and wrote: “What we hoped for two years ago has happened: Valentina Tóth delivered a perfect debut programme, a fresh wind – indeed, a whirlwind - in the world of cabaret.”   

Wildbloei was selected for the 2024 Dutch Theatre Festival 2024 as part of its Cabaret Collection.

“We are regaled with a 100-minute whirlwind of eccentric characters, interspersed with edifying piano playing and bullish singing. It is busy, there’s a lot going on in this inimitable performance by a mega-talent.” - Joris Henquet in de Volkskrant ★★★★★

“Tóth pledges ‘an ode to the hysterical woman’ and seven hysterical characters. She also makes a curious prediction about a conversation she will presumably have at the bar after the performance. Someone will dub her the ‘ultimate hysterical woman’. Tóth enacts this conversation in an amusing and yet confusing conversation, for the fictitious bar scene takes place after the performance, while we are still at the beginning of that performance. It leaves the necessary space for interpretation: a humorous and provocative teaser for what is yet to come.” - Jelle Brumsen in NRC ★★★★★

“There is no denying that Valentina Tóth (29) is a whirlwind. When you leave her debut show Wildbloei after a hundred minutes, you will find that your ears go on ringing with the bold characters, extravagant acts and tantalizing ideas she has fired at you. This woman is out to make an impression, and she does.” Ivo Nieuwenhuis in  Trouw ★★★★★

director Stephanie Louwrier set and lighting design Gilles Pollak costume design Aidan Abnet music Valentina Tóth and Gilles Vandecaveye acting coach Matthias van de Brul photography Aisha Zeijpveld

Dates & tickets

© Anne van Zantwijk